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1800-1850ContentsIntroductionChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3

Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9

Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15

Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21


Bibliography and Sources

[Ireland 1800-1850 Copyright © 2001 by Desmond Keenan. Book available from and] 

(Books either mentioned in the text or recommended for further reading.)

 Aspinall, A., Politics and the Press, 1780-1850, London, 1949, (Best study available).

Barnes, D., George III and William Pitt, 1783-1806, New York, 1965.

Beckett, J.C., The making of Modern Ireland, London, 1966, (Somewhat out of date).

Bolton, G.C., The Passing of the Irish Act of Union, Oxford, 1966.

Brock, M., The Great Reform Act, London, 1973.

Broderick, J.F., The Holy See and the Irish Movement for Repeal, Rome, 1951, (Old study but quite useful).

Butler, I., The Eldest Brother, London, 1973, (Biography of Richard Colley Wellesley).

Canavan, T., Frontier Town, Belfast, 1989.

Cannon, S., Irish Episcopal Meetings 1788-1882, Rome, 1979, (Very informative).

Corish, P., The Irish Catholic Experience, Dublin, 1985, (One chapter on this period).

Derry, J., Charles James Fox, London, 1972.

Dowling, P.J., A History of Irish Education, Cork, 1971.

Duffy, Charles Gavan, Young Ireland, Dublin, 1884, (Detailed if partisan account of earliest years of movement only).

(Dunlop, Robert) (R.D.), 'O'Connell, Daniel', DNB, (This entry of about 13,000 words is the only biography of O’Connell that can be fully recommended).

Evidence on the State of Ireland before Commissions of Parliament London, 1825.

Edwards, R.D. and Williams, T.D. (eds.), The Great Famine, Dublin, 1956, (Contributions by R.B. MacDowell, E.R. Green, T. P. O'Neill, and W. MacArthur; aged and inadequate study, but the only one recommendable).

Fitzpatrick, W.J., The Life of Dr. Doyle, Dublin, 1861, (Wordy, rambling, ill-edited, but totally indispensable).

---------------------Memoirs of Richard Whately, London, 1864.

Fox-Davies, A. C., A Complete Guide to Heraldry, London, 1985.

Gash, N., Mr. Secretary Peel, London, 1961.

---------------- Sir Robert Peel, London, 1972, (These two books contain much information on Peel's actions concerning Ireland, but are inadequate as a sole source of information).

Glover, M., Legacy of Glory, London, 1972, (One of several good books on the Peninsular War).

Hibbert, C., George IV Regent and King, London, 1973.

Hinde, W., George Canning, London, 1973.

--------------------Castlereagh, London, 1981, (Both books very useful.)

Houlding, J.A., Fit for Service, Oxford, 1981, (Very informative on British and Irish armies in eighteenth century).

Keenan, D.J., The Catholic Church in Nineteenth Century Ireland, Dublin, Towota NJ, 1983, (doctoral thesis abbreviated).

---------------------. Pre-Famine Ireland-Social Structure, Philadelphia, 2001.

Kerr, D., Peel, Priests, and Politics, Oxford, 1984, (Traditional nationalist approach; much useful detail, but the author fails to see the wood for the trees).

le Fanu, W.R., Seventy Years of Irish Life, Dublin, 1914, (describes how an Irish Protestant saw the 'Tithe War').

Longford, E., Wellington, the Years of the Sword, London, 1970.

-------------------------Wellington, Pillar of State, London, 1972, (standard two volume Life).

Luby, T.C., Life and Times of Daniel O'Connell, Glasgow, n.d., (Written in last century; the Life is very partisan, but there are some good descriptions of the times).

Lyons, F.S.L., Ireland since the Famine, London, 1973, (Written solely from a  nationalist viewpoint, it has the weaknesses of such an approach).

MacAnally, H., The Irish Militia 1793-1816, Dublin, 1949, (Pioneering study, but still quite useful; ends when it was disembodied in 1816).

MacDowell, R.B., The Irish Administration 1801-1914, London, 1964, (Shares common nationalist misconception that the administration was British, but otherwise useful).

McCullough, W.T., Memoirs of Richard Lalor Sheil, London, 1855, (Inadequate memoir by a contemporary).

McNeill, M. Vere Foster, Newton Abbot, 1971.

Mant, W.B., Memoirs of Rt. Rev. Richard Mant, Dublin, 1857, (Marred by strong anti-popery sentiments, but gives a useful description of the Established Church).

Marmion, A., The Maritime Ports of Ireland, London, 1855, (Nationalist in tone but gives handy statistics and descriptions of institutions like colleges, banks, railways, canals, etc.).

Meagher, Rev. William, Notices on the Life of Most Rev. Daniel Murray, Dublin, 1853.

Meetings of the Irish Bishops 1826-1849, (Handwritten), Dublin Catholic Diocesan Archives.

O’Grada, C. Ireland, A New Economic History 1780-1939, Oxford, 1994, (thematic treatment; rigorous research replaces nationalist rhetoric).

O'Reilly, B., John MacHale, New York, 1890, (Excessively partisan, but is based on documents no longer extant).

Plowden, A., The Young Victoria, London, 1981, (Very illuminating).

Prest, J., Lord John Russell, London, 1972.

Roberts, M., The Whig Party 1807-1812, London, 1965, (Essential).

Vane-Stewart, C., Memoirs and Correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh,    London, 1848 (Castlereagh's letters edited by his half-brother).

Vatican Archives, Scritture Riferite nei congressi, (‘Documents referred to in meetings of the Congregation of Propaganda’; parts of Vatican archives released on microfilm to various libraries; not always helpful but contain some gems like MacHale's envisaged cash-flow for supporting a Catholic University).

Ward. B., The Eve of Catholic Emancipation, London, 1911, (Classic work on English Catholics; essential).

Woodham-Smith, C., The Great Hunger, London, 1987, (Classic example of how not to approach an emotive subject).

Ziegler, P., Melbourne, London, 1976. 

The following abbreviations have been used: 

DNB    Dictionary of National Biography.

OED    Oxford English Dictionary 10 vols.

DEP    Dublin Evening Post, Whig tri-weekly 1800-1850.

SNL    Saunders' Newsletter, Dublin Tory daily 1800-1850. 

            These four have been the principal sources used in this book. The accounts of daily events in the newspapers were checked against each other and against other sources and against several hundred entries for the period in the Dictionary of National Biography. The contemporary usage of words was checked in the Oxford English Dictionary. This was particularly useful when dealing with public offices like, for example, the Court of Exchequer, or the office of sheriff. It is hoped that this approach from contemporary newspapers results in a balanced account of what Irish people thought, said, and did at the time.



Copyright Desmond J. Keenan, B.S.Sc.; Ph.D. ;.London, U.K.